tips, East Crete, Crete

We are happy to give you some cultural tips.


tip 1
The Valley of Katharo

The hinterland of Kritsa and Kroustas has been declared Natura 2000 area. It's great hiking there, very quiet, and the vulture reigns over the forest. Especially the Valley of Katharo (meaning pure) is a great experience. Until April there is snow on the peaks. An asphalt road takes you there in 30 minutes. Our guests love to go there. We made a video to tell you more about the story of Katharo. Watch the video below!



tip 2
A secret ruin...

When a child died unbaptised, there was no other solution than to bury it in unholy grounds, or lay down the body in a cave. At least that’s what was done in West Crete in the Middle Ages. In East Crete there was another solution provided… It is very hard to find and to reach, this ruin. But we can help you to get there…



tip 3
250 Minoan farms in our backyard

Archaeologist Sabina Beckman discovered and explored more than 250 farms in the mountains above Kroustas. They were built in the Minoan Middle Bronze Age, about 4.000 years ago. We can help you to find the entrance of the mythical Historical landscape park Kroustas.


tip 4
The city of Lato

Probably you never heard of the city of Lato in Crete. Yet Lato was once an important city. Build around 500 years B.C. by the Dorians. Alexander the Great was their leader.
Lato is a real ‘polis’. You will discover their houses, workshops, an agora (marketplace) and the temple of Elithieia, the goddess of childbirth.
Lato is very close to the village of Kritsa.


tip 5
A miracle in a monastery

A shepherd once found an icon of the Virgin Mary in a cave in the mountains. He took the icon home to his cabin but the next morning the icon was gone. It had ‘gone back’ to the cave. This happened not once, but many times…
Therefore they built a church and a monastery around this cave. On the 15th of August the people of the villages Kritsa and Kroustas make there pilgrimage for many hours by foot to the monastery to worship this miraculous icon of Mary, on the occasion of the Assumption of Mary. You can go by car to the monastery of Faneromenis.